Morphologic and Morphometric Analysis of the Otoliths: Sagitta, Asteriscus and Lapillus of Kajikia audax and Makaira mazara (Perciformes: Istiophoridae) in the Mexican Pacific Coast

Author Details

Elaine Espino-Barr, Manuel Gallardo-Cabello, Juan Javier Valdez-Flores, Arturo Garcia Boa

Journal Details


Published: 8 August 2018 | Article Type :


In the present study morphologic and morphometric analysis is carried out for striped marlin Kajiria audax and blue marlin Makaira mazara for the first time in the three pairs of otoliths: sagittae, asterisci and lapilli. K. audax data were obtained from 2000 to 2002 in 4 tournaments in Barra de Navidad and Manzanillo (ports on the Pacific coast of México) and 8 fishing cruises in two commercial vessels. For M. mazara only eight data were obtained in 2001 in tournaments of Puerto Vallarta and Manzanillo and two commercial cruises. As with other billfishes, sagittae are characterized by having four bodies: a rostrum and antirostrum separated by the excisura major and a postrostrum and pararostrum separated by an excisura minor; being this a peculiar character observed in these species and in the dolphinfish. The growth of the three pairs of otoliths is eccentric to the core; a larger quantity of material is deposited in the dorsal areas and borders, in relation to the ventral areas. No statistically significant morphometric differences were observed between the right and left otolith and between sexes of K. audax. Seasonal growth rings could not be observed in the sagittae, but were present in some asterisci. Results are discussed with those reported by other authors. It is recommended that studies of daily growth increases in one-year organisms or less be carried out. We suggest that a capture quota of this fishery is given to the commercial fisherman.

Key words: Kajikia audax, Makaira mazara,otolith, sagitta, asteriscus, lapillus.

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How to Cite


Elaine Espino-Barr, Manuel Gallardo-Cabello, Juan Javier Valdez-Flores, Arturo Garcia Boa. (2018-08-08). "Morphologic and Morphometric Analysis of the Otoliths: Sagitta, Asteriscus and Lapillus of Kajikia audax and Makaira mazara (Perciformes: Istiophoridae) in the Mexican Pacific Coast." *Volume 1*, 3, 12-23